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¡¾°ÂÃÀ±±¾©¼±Æ¸¡¿ - Senior Consultant - digital strategy planning


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·¢±íÓÚ 2013-12-18 14:48:02 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã |ÔĶÁģʽ À
Ogilvy ¨C Senior Consultant - digital strategy planning

ÓÊÏ䣺daisy.liu@ogilvy.com Çë×¢Ã÷ӦƸְ룬¸ñʽ£ºÓ¦Æ¸-ְλÃû³Æ-ÐÕÃû-Öйúº£¹éÍø


Job title:               Senior Consultant (SC)

Job Summary:


The Senior Consultant (SC) is the key owner of specific Client Customer Management consulting engagements. The SC is a listener. He/She can effectively analyze clients business problems and translate them into effective strategic counsel.


The Consulting Services of OgilvyOne are mainly in the area of Customer Management. Consulting Services can either be in the nature of independent consulting projects (which then will be mainly lead by the consultant) or in relation to an on-going Client engagement (in which case the consultant will report to the key Client owner) as a strategic planning function


The job scope covers: involvement and support on key Clients to drive strategic excellence, support of account and other consulting teams, owner of the company¡¯s key consulting tools.


On specific consulting assignment the SC owns and needs to deliver on a specified scope of work. The SC needs to work closely with other key groups data analysts, data consultants, creative, media and technology as required. The SC must master effective delegation, project and time management.


Main responsibilities:




¡¤         Provide customer management and marketing consulting services as professional service to Clients.

¡¤         Be a strategic lead counsel to the Client service teams in order to uplift engagements on existing Clients.

¡¤         Confident in using and applying OgilvyOne¡¯s consulting tools (ie. Customer Ownership)

¡¤         Able to translate data insights into marketing insights

¡¤         Define a clear consulting scope based on business requirements

¡¤         Confident in working with other third parties and initiate and drive research projects

¡¤         Manage client expectations and promote consulting functions to clients

¡¤         Develop key customer management strategies and understand implementation implications

¡¤         Build relationships with management and staff (internal & external) in business areas associated with customer management planning work.

¡¤         Develop the skills and knowledge within other members of the department or company

¡¤         Interrogate syndicated and Client research material to provide answers to briefs issued by team or the client servicing team.

¡¤         Confident in Data Analysis, Telemarketing Strategies and Contact Strategy Development


Project Supervision


¡¤       Produce fully costed Scope of Work proposals for projects and assure delivery on time and on budget.


Internal OgilvyOne


¡¤       Key owner of OgilvyOne Consulting, and first stop for Account Service staff when engaging in strategic projects. Ogilvy Loyalty Index, CMAT, e-valuate, Checkpoint.

¡¤       Close co-operation with Technology and PM Teams on specific internal and Client projects

¡¤       Dissemination of CM Consulting related information and knowledge across other Business Units

¡¤       Close working relationship with Agency Planning Team

¡¤       Member of the global consulting community

General Requirements:


¡¤         Master degree or equivalent.

¡¤         Prior experience 5+ years in Strategic Planning, Management Consulting, Interactive Strategy or relevant industry specific Marketing roles

¡¤         Experience in managing large scale projects with successful track record in delivery

¡¤         Understanding of basic direct marketing techniques, metrics, and reporting.

¡¤         Demonstrated analytical and organization skills.

¡¤         Well-developed verbal and written communication skills.

¡¤         Chinese native speaker (ideal)

¡¤         Solid command of written and spoken English


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  • µØÖ·: ±±¾©ÊÐÎ÷³ÇÇø´óÏè·ïºúͬ11ºÅ
  • µç»°: 17896026558
  • Email: haigui001.com@qq.com








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