王燕 发表于 2012-11-7 16:08:36

大型法资运动产品零售超时-J2EE Technical Leader,上海

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CV to <A href="mailto:mp0014@manpower.com.cn">mp0014@manpower.com.cn</A>
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<P>您必须具有的品质:<BR>- 热爱运动,对工作和生活充满激情和活力;<BR>- 热爱思考,对未知领域充满好奇;<BR>- 热爱分享,能与团队共同成长;<BR>- 热爱创新,能勇于接受挑战;<BR>Candidates we prefer:<BR>- Love sports, Curious, Generous, Innovative and Team work;<BR><BR>我们能为您做的:<BR>What we can do for you:<BR>- 您是公司的项目经理将去领导和组织许多国际化的新项目;<BR>- You are Project leader of many new large-scale IT projects globally.<BR>- 您组建您的团队、完全独立自主地管理您的项目;<BR>- You build your team and manage your project from beginning to end.<BR>- 我们帮助您完成您的职业规划,在这里您将实现您的职业理想;<BR>- You can come true your career project with the planning we provide to you.<BR><BR>您的主要职责和挑战:<BR>Responsibility and Challenge you will have:<BR>- 作为聆听者,我理解用户的需求,并提供符合公司策略的意见;<BR>- I am Listener who understand and advise my customers' needs, in line with the group's strategy;<BR>- 作为开拓者,我管理并执行新的IT解决方案以满足用户的需求;<BR>- I am Exploiter who manage and delivery new IT solutions to support my customers' needs;<BR>- 作为开发者,我定义项目范围并开发最适合的解决方案;<BR>- I am Developer who define project scope and develop the most appropriate solution with punctual lead-time, high quality and low cost;<BR>- 作为组织者,我邀请赞助人、关键用户和顾问参加会议,对项目的范围、成本、计划和风险做出决定;<BR>- I am Organizer who hold project meeting to take decisions on scope, cost, road-map and risk with sponsors, key users, and consultants;<BR>- 作为实施者,我进行项目沟通并在项目实施后提供快速的后续支持;<BR>- I am Executor who make project communication and provide post go-live support after project implementation;<BR>- 作为活跃分子,我时刻准备着接受新的责任和挑战;<BR>- I am Self-starter who is always ready to take new responsibility and challenge;<BR><BR>您必须拥有:<BR>Qualification we require:<BR>- 您拥有至少8年IT项目管理经验;<BR>- You have 8 years or more working experience in IT project management;<BR>- 您拥有管理经验并享受项目管理的这份工作;<BR>- You enjoy project management and have proven managerial skills ;<BR>- 您在管理多个项目的同时,能够合理分配和安排您的工作;<BR>- You are able to prioritize your work and enjoy working on several projects at the same time;<BR>- 您凭借您的为人处世和沟通能力与同事打成一片;<BR>- You are a team player who work easily and smoothly with others by your interpersonal and communication skills;<BR>- 您永远追求最好,绝不安于现状;<BR>- You are always pursuing the perfect without satisfying current situation;<BR>- 流利的英语交流,懂法语者优先;<BR>- Fluent speaking and written English, French is plus;</P></DIV>
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